Finnish nuclear experts visited JSC "CDBMB"


Finnish nuclear experts visited JSC "CDBMB"

The representatives of Finnish companies Fennovoima Oy, RAOS Project Oy and STUK (Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority) have visited JSC "CDBMB". As part of the Hanhikivi-1 NPP project, the guests visited sites of JSC "CDBMB" in Saint Petersburg and Sosnovy Bor (Leningrad region), inspected a test rig for reactor coolants pumps and assessed  production capacities after the modernization.

The first visit of Finnish nuclear experts to JSC "CDBMB" took place in 2015 at the Hanhikivi-1 NPP project launch. Today, seeing the results of three-year improvement of the processes and implementation of the Rosatom production system tools, foreign partners highlight the high level of Company's development and express confidence that JSC "CDBMB" is a reliable supplier of pump equipment.

"We are positively surprised with the progress in JSC "CDBMB" made over the last three years. This includes safety and engineering level of the Company. And the main thing is staff's responsible attitude to work!" said Havia Sergei, a  pump specialist from Fennovoima Oy.

JSC “CDBMB” is a Russian exclusive designer and manufacturer of reactor coolant pumps for water-cooled power reactors (VVER).  Many years of experience of engineers, designers and test engineers of JSC "CDBMB" allow to produce pumps than meet the international standards of nuclear industry.  Hanhikivi-1 NPP is a single-unit nuclear power plant with reactor VVER-1200 in Finland under construction.